Project Euler 91 - Right Triangles with integer co-ordinates
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Thought Process
Let A = (0,0), B = (x1, x2), C = (y1, y2)
Choose point B and C randomly, then
AB = sqrt(x1^2 + x2^2)
AC = sqrt(y1^2 + y2^2)
BC = sqrt((x1-y1)^2 + (x2-y2)^2)
Then if (maximum(AB, AC, BC))^2 = other 2 squared then this forms a right angle triangle. Then I go through each point which would be ~ 6,760,000 combinations
I omit sqrt when calculating AB, AC, BC because if x > y > 0 => x^2 > y^2
My solution takes ~ 6 seconds, there are much faster and smarter ways to do this problem using dot product and making some smart observations. I recommend reading one of my inspirations, Stephan Brumme's, page on this problem for a smarter approach.
Interactive Code
Input an integer (yourinput)
Code will output number of right angle triangles can be formed when all points are <= yourinput