Project Euler 237 - Tours on a 4 X N Playing Board
Project Euler 237 - Tours on a 4 X N Playing Board
Official link:
Thought Process
Thought Process
I brute forced the first few values
T(1) = 1
T(2) = 1
T(3) = 4
T(4) = 8
T(5) = 23
This lead me to which gives us the recursive formula T(n) = 2T(n - 1) + 2T(n - 2) - 2T(n - 3) + T(n - 4), n >= 4
Then, I use my matrix exponentiation function to get the answer very quickly!
The way this is done is as follows:
Interactive Code
Interactive Code
Input an integer (yourinput)
Code will output T(yourinput) (mod 10^8)