Project Euler 286 - Scoring probabilities
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Thought Process
Fairly simple problem compared to a lot of other like this one.
We just set in the game with a recursive function
game(q, score, shots, needed_score)
q is the current q we are using
score is the current score we are at
shots is the number of shots we've taken so far
needed_score is how many we need, it would be 20 for the problem
we just return (1 - shots/q)*game(q, score + 1, shots + 1, needed_score) + (shots/q)*game(q, score, shots + 1, needed_score)
We make sure to check if our score goes above 20, we quickly break (return 0), if we reach 50 shots, if we have achieved score = 20, return 1, else return 0
Then we use a bisection method to find the necessary q. I used this exact algorithm, although dumbly, in Problem 285 which was much harder than this one, so It was fresh in my memory!
Interactive Code
Input an integer (yourinput)
Code outputs the q such that she has a 2% chance to score precisely yourinput number of points